Bathrooms where natural gas-fired capacity and flow water heaters are installed must meet the following requirements:

· the volume of the bathrooms where natural gas flow water heaters are installed should not be less than 7.5 m3, and the volume of the bathrooms where capacity water heaters are installed should not be less than 6.0 m3;

· the bathroom should have a ventilation channel and a chimney;

· the door of the bathroom should open to the outside, the area between the door and the floor should be no less than 0.02 m2 for fresh air to enter, or holes with a total area equivalent to that area should be opened at the bottom of the door;

· internal gas lines of bathrooms and working and control taps on them should be installed in the places provided in the project;

· parts (fittings) used for all gas lines and their threaded connections in the bathroom must be made of steel;

· natural gas-fired instantaneous water heaters must be installed on a non-combustible wall and at least 2 cm away from the wall.


Kitchens where gas stoves are installed must meet the following requirements:

· the height of kitchens where gas stoves are installed in residential buildings should not be less than 2.2 meters. It should have a breather and a ventilation channel;

· the volume of the kitchen should not be less than 15 m3 for four-eye tiles, 12 m3 for three-eye tiles, and 8 m3 for two-eye tiles;

· there should be at least 1m distance between the gas stove installed in the kitchen and the opposite wall.
