Gas meters in the apartments (houses) of residential subscribers

information on installation and operation


1. General provisions.


1.1 The installation, commissioning, registration, and state inspection of gas meters must be performed in accordance with the Law "On Gas Supply", "Safety and Technical Operation Rules in the Gas Industry" and other legal acts in force.

1.2 The brand, quantity, type and installation locations of household gas meters are determined based on the project-estimate documents in compliance with the requirements of the valid normative technical documents.

1.3 Meters are installed on carrier gas lines, which are drawn on the basis of project-estimate documents and put into operation accordingly.

1.4 It is not allowed to install meters on lines with gas pressure below the norm, on carrier lines passing through yards, and on gas pipelines whose construction and installation works have not been completed.

1.5 Only meters included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments and duly inspected by the State are installed on the gas lines.

1.6 The period of the next State inspection of the meter is determined based on the nomenclature list of measuring and testing tools of the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent and their inspection periodicity.

1.7 Installation, removal and replacement of household type meters (G-4, G-6 brands) in apartments (houses) by the relevant structural departments of "Azerigas" PU, and installation, removal and replacement of G-10 and large brand gas meters It is performed by the "Information Technologies and Communications Department".

1.8 In all cases related to the installation, removal and replacement of meters (seals), "AKT" No. "On removal, installation and commissioning of a gas meter" is drawn up.

1.9 It is strictly forbidden for any subscriber or person to install a meter on the gas line of his apartment and open an existing meter that has been put into operation.


2. Installation of gas meters.

2.1 The meter must be installed in places where it is possible to service it and record its readings, excluding its damage. The meter should be installed in the gas pipeline in a vertical position freely, that is, without using any additional physical force and at a height of 1.8-1.6 meters from the ground surface to the bottom of the meter (the installation height should be taken into account in exceptional cases without damage to the meter).

2.2 In order to protect against vibration, vibration and corrosion, the meter should be installed without touching the walls (the distance between the meter and the wall should be 3-5 cm).

2.3 Gas meters installed in places exposed to direct sunlight, in the open air or in places where outsiders can interfere must be placed in a special protective box and the key of the box must be handed over to the subscriber.

2.4 Gas meters should be installed at the exit of apartments in high-rise buildings (in the stairwell) and balconies in open conditions, and in private houses outside the yard at the beginning of the gas line of the apartment (near the entrance door to the yard).

2.5 The counter must be visually inspected before installation. The seal of the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent on the meter, the counting mechanism and the valves should be checked for serviceability.

2.6 Between the sealing rings of the inlet and outlet nut joints (plugs), a rubber seal (paranit) or oil-gasoline-resistant rubber must be placed between the sealing rings.

2.7 When installing the counters, the compatibility of the grooves on their connectors and top nuts should be checked in advance.

2.8 If the apartment (house) where the gas meter is to be installed is uninhabited (if the subscriber is not found), the natural gas supply is stopped by the welding method, and the meter is installed based on the subscriber's written application.

2.9 Meters are installed and put into operation and supply of natural gas is carried out only after sealing the joints (inlet and outlet nut joints, flanges and counting mechanism).


3. Commissioning of gas meters.


3.1 After the installation of the gas meter, when the gas is turned on, the condition of the internal belts, the smooth (unhindered) movement of the meter's mechanism should be checked and the meter's type and brand should be checked for compliance with the project and the sign of the direction of movement on the body should be the same as the actual movement of the gas.

3.2 The lid of the meter's calculating mechanism, inlet and outlet pipe must be sealed.

3.3 "On the removal, installation and commissioning of the gas meter" No. "ICT" must be drawn up and signed.

3.4 The gas supply of the consumer who refuses to sign the "ACT" No. "On the removal, installation and commissioning of the gas meter" is terminated and an act is drawn up.
