The oil and gas industry of Azerbaijan has passed a very honorable historical path. Our homeland Azerbaijan, the Land of Fire, has been known throughout history as the oldest oil and gas country in the world, and has made unspeakable contributions to the development of the world oil and gas industry. Although the use of natural gas in our country has a long history, the gas industry began to develop since 1920. In order to manage this field in a centralized manner, in 1923, an auxiliary department for gas production and processing was created under the Commodity Department of the "Azneft" Production Union. Thus, the foundation of the gas economy in Azerbaijan was laid. In 1936, the "AzGaz" trust, in February 1958, the "Bashgaz" Administration under the Ministry of Communal Economy of the Azerbaijan SSR, the structure of this Administration was improved, and two months after the election of our great leader Heydar Aliyev as the head of state, in the autumn and summer of 1969 » was transferred to the Department. In 1983, the State Gasification Committee was established on the basis of "Bashgaz" Administration. This Committee was merged into the Azerbaijan State Fuel Committee in 1989. After the silence of the USSR, in 1992, on the basis of Azerbaijan State Fuel Committee, "Azerigaznaql" Production Union and Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Project Institute, "Azerigaz" State Company, in 1996 "Azerigaz" Closed Joint Stock Company, July 9-20 аyındа Аzərbаycаn Rеspublikаsı Prеzidеntinin nеft və qаz sənаyеsinin idаrəеtmə mехаnizmlərinin təkmilləşdirilməsi hаqqındа Sərəncаmı ilə «Аzəriqаz» Qаpаlı Səhmdаr Cəmiyyəti yеnidən təşkil оlunаrаq АRDNŞ-nin tərkibinə vеrilmiş və hal-hazırda SOCAR-ın tərkibində öz fəаliyyətini «Аzəriqаz» İstеhsаlаt Birliyi kimi dаvаm еtdirir.

The Production Union receives natural gas from supply points, distributes and sells it in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Employees of scientists, engineers, servants and technical staff work in the Union, which includes Departments, Departments and Areas that perform maintenance and construction functions, warehouse management and other production functions. Production Union provides natural gas to more than 2.1 million consumers covering all regions of our country. To perform this function, there is an optimal control mechanism of the complex gas distribution system, which consists of gas regulating stations and cabinets, pipelines and other numerous technical and technological objects. Intensive work on new projects is being carried out by "Azerigas" PU within the framework of the wide program implemented by SOCAR in the direction of reconstruction of the field and organization of production at the level of modern requirements.

The activity of the Union is regulated on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international standards, other normative acts, SOCAR's internal normative documents in this field and the Charter of the Union.
